Copyright Policy / Trademarks
- The Gulf Machines for Trading trademark is a registered trademark approved by the Ministry of Commerce. No party may use the name or logo without the approval of the organization's management, and we have the right to take legal action if this is not complied with.
- All text, images, illustrations and other content on this website are protected by copyright. The content may be downloaded or copied only for personal use or similar limited uses. If the content contains a Gulf Machines for Trading copyright notice, the content must be copied with that notice unchanged.
- For any copying for purposes other than those listed above, if the copyright holder has indicated separate terms and conditions for use of the content, the content may be used in accordance with those terms and conditions. Use may be refused if Gulf Machines for Trading considers the use to be inappropriate.
- Modification, transmission, printing or use of the content of this website for commercial or any other purposes is prohibited without the permission of the copyright holder. Gulf Machines for Trading does not grant users copyright, trademark rights, or any other rights owned by Gulf Corner Foundation or other parties regarding the content displayed on the site, and does not guarantee the accuracy of the content on the site.
Privacy Policy
- You may be asked to provide personal information through this website for customer service purposes. This personal information will be protected and includes: Name, address, email address, phone/fax numbers, which may be requested from the customer via email to facilitate communication with the customer.
- The purpose for which the information is collected will be clearly identified and will not be used for any other purpose without the user's permission. Private information provided to this website will not be disclosed to any other party without the user's consent.
- Gulf Machines for Trading complies with all legislation, laws and regulations governing the use of personal information on the website.